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Welcome to 2025
– a special year for KAYEC
This year we will be awaiting our 30th anniversary at KAYEC. Back in 1995, The Anglican and Lutheran churches established the Katatura Youth Enterprise Centre which developed into a hub of education, a safe space for the marginalized youth and a youth empowerment initiative with several locations in Namibia. Our VTCs and After School Centres are part of the stories of a lot of young adults or those that have been left behind because of their difficult living conditions – we are proud to say that KAYEC made a difference for many in these past 30 years.
In order to celebrate this milestone in our history, there will be activities and a major celebration in July. Stay tuned!
Our Vocational
With a vocational training at KAYEC you can gain a profession, which empowers you to start your own occupational career. After gaining the KAYEC certificate you have the possibility to start your own business, as well as to continue with further studies at other organisations or applying at companies. Start your career with KAYEC now!

Our Operator Training
The operator training at KAYEC gives you in a short period of time the needed qualifications to apply as forklift-driver in the industry. Forklifts have a wide field of application in the industry, which leads to good job opportunities for those with the corresponding license from KAYEC.
In this training you will learn about safety regulations in general and safety regulations regarding the handling of heavy machinery in paritcular. You will learn how to drive a forklift and how use it to carry out transport tasks in a logistic environment. If you are interested…