Extract from Nangado Kauluma keynote speech:
No matter how scared you are about what will happen after today’s graduation, no matter who you are, what has happened in the past and what you think you deserve or don’t deserve, YOU are so incredibly unique and special and there is something wonderful and perfectly- fitting to YOU. You have been placed in your specific family, community, and country, for a reason. You have been placed in this specific time in the world, for a reason. You are graduating from this specific course of study, today for a reason. THIS is a part of your destiny. It is up to you to see that and use what you have been given to fulfill your dreams which hopefully and ultimately will fill the needs of others. Because whether we like it or not, it is in our design to want to make life better for those around us. You automotive mechanic graduates might think about new ways to make our vehicle services more affordable and accessible to us Namibians. You clothing production graduates might think about clothing our nation, schoolchildren, workers and fashionistas-alike. You Early Childhood Development graduates, you might think about creative ways of helping families take ECD principles into their homes and support those same families with passionate care for their children when those kids are in your care. Electrical graduates you will help ensure our country’s homes, hospitals and factories are running smoothly with energy, by whatever means it takes. Joinery and cabinet-making graduates, might you remember that every single building in this country needs storage solutions that are smart, affordable, made fast and efficiently. Plumbing and pipefitting folks, you will be responding to the fact that every one of us values functional plumbing for our most intimate of functions. You will think of solutions that towns and cities can use to help get this level of sanitation out to more. You welding and metal fabrication artisans, you’ll consider exciting and important ways your skills can improve things from mining and fisheries to businesses and homes. Most importantly, may you ALL remember that when you bring these skills together, you guys are an unstoppable force for the development of Namibia. Do not forget that you can call on each other to provide integrated solutions to your community. Namibia needs more of that kind of innovation and cooperation across skills and sectors.