Together, FNB, B2Gold and Pupkewitz are giving N$1,171,330 toward KAYEC’s school support in the coming year: enough to run children’s activities in four towns.
As KAYEC enters its third decade of service, socially active Namibian businesses are investing to make sure our kids can keep participating in locally funded afternoon activities to help them stay in school and grow into solid members of their communities.

On 10 September 2015, FNB Foundation announced it is sponsoring our Rundu youth centre for one year. At the launch, Kavango East Governor Hon. Dr Samuel Mbambo credited KAYEC’s ongoing innovation in helping cut the high levels of school drop-outs and teen pregnancy in the area. School principal Viviana Seponde testified to our impact on children, including her own daughter: “They’ve become changed people … They become self-thinkers.”

On 26 September 2015, B2Gold Namibia announced it is sponsoring our Otjiwarongo youth centre, also for one year. Said Ms. Sonia Iyambo, personal assistant to Otjozondjupa Governor Hon. Otto Ipinge, on behalf of the Governor: “Every single Otjozondjupa youth should have the ability to attain all the necessary skills to contribute to the economic growth of our region. I’m very glad that B2Gold Namibia is entering into this partnership by providing the necessary financial resources to achieve this dream.”
See what others are saying about these stories
The Namibia Economist on our FNB partnership: “KAYEC helps Rundu children stay in school”
New Era on our B2Gold partnership: “Learners liken KAYEC to a second home”
The Namibian Sun reports: “B2Gold donates to KAYEC”
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